SKETCHBOOK #4, page 15

Richard Trione.
Drawn during class... I can't remember the actual name of the class, but it was something like "Introduction to Technology Applications" or something along those lines. We had little week-long stations where we'd learn about video production, or electricity, or MIDI music composition. It was totally weak and watered down; we worked from these extremely basic workbooks which gave us a daily assignment/experiment that could be completed in about fifteen minutes. It was a cool class, though, if for no other reason than it gave us about an hour every day to goof around. I caught up on my sleeping, read a lot, and drew pictures of my friends.
Note the "circuit board" in the lower left corner. There's also one in the drawing I posted yesterday. I liked the idea of circuitry as a recurring motif, and I remember thinking that I was going to put one in all of my drawings, as a sort of personal calling card. I guess I just stopped thinking it was cool after that week or so, though, 'cause that's about how long it lasted.
SKETCHBOOK #4, page 7

...and here is the poem I wrote while my friends slumbered in their hotel room beds.
Note in the middle of the page I wrote: Big Window/Chair. This is what I was looking out of and what I was sitting in, respectively, while writing this poem. Mostly what I could see from our window was the interstate, which is really pretty appropriate for first impressions of Atlanta.
The last line kind of cracks me up a little -- at the time, I thought me and my friends had actually made up the word "Hotlanta." We were always real big on wordplay, and since we were visiting Atlanta for the first time on our own, I just figured it was something we had come up with... so I put it in the poem... and now, in hindsight, it looks like I was reading a tourism billboard out the window. or something.
The drawing cut-out from lined paper is something I had doodled in school. I think I used it as a bookmark for a while, but then I guess I decided it would make a nice illustration for this page.
SKETCHBOOK #4, page 5

this is a drawing of Bo Henderson taking a nap in a hotel room in Atlanta. Bo, Mickey, Amber Hatchett and I had driven up to see the Picasso exhibit at the High Museum. It was one of the first times we were all "allowed" to go somewhere on our own, unchaperoned. We made the most of it, for sure.
I think this was probably after visiting the museum and before going out for dinner. Everyone was tired and started falling asleep. I drew this picture and one of Mickey and Amber sleeping, then wrote a poem while looking out the window. (tomorrow and the next day).
SKETCHBOOK #4, cover

sorry for the update intermission; I was out of town a lot and hadn't had a chance to scan. But I'm all scanned up now, so we're getting into book four.
I think this book is a good one. The first dated pages are in January and February of 1998, which was my senior year in high school, and by the end of the book, I've graduated and begun the summer before college. Pretty interesting times.
There are actually some pretty decent drawings in this book. I was getting into a lot of really good artists and writers at the time, and I was developing my own style. Much of it is all over the place, but there are interesting moments, and a few good stories.
so here's the cover. note that I've moved away from the standard black book. (this is rare).
SKETCHBOOK #3 on Flickr
I just uploaded the complete Sketchbook #3 set to flickr, and I'll be scanning book #4 in the next few days, so don't worry: daily updates will begin again soon.