
SKETCHBOOK #1, page 8


SKETCHBOOK #1, page 7

Winterwoods '96, collaboration between me and bradford. Bradford was really into Egon Schiele at the time, as you can probably tell, and introduced me to his work via a library book he had brought with him to camp. Schiele (not to mention Bradford) gradually became a huge influence on my drawings as well.


SKETCHBOOK #1, page 6

I have neither date nor explanation for this one.


SKETCHBOOK #1, page 5

I'm pretty sure Bradford did this one. I think it might be a picture of Mickey... maybe? It's pretty good. Winterwoods, '96, Wilson Hall.

SKETCHBOOK #1, page 4

Here's another pass-around-the-book collaborative work - the darker shaded guy with the offended hand was drawn by Mickey, and the liney faces and house in the upper part of the page were done by Bradford Willingham. Still at Winterwoods '96.


i'm working late tonight... so the next page will technically be posted "tomorrow." i just had to get this in before midnight so i wouldn't ruin my so far untarnished record of daily posts.

update: haha. oh well.


SKETCHBOOK #1, page 3

winterwoods '96 - this page is some weird stream of consciousness stuff that (i think) was written by laura. if i recall, i was passing the sketchbook around, mickey ladd wrote something (which I never read) that got crossed out (whether by him or someone else i have no idea) and then laura composed what you see here. that's about all the explanation i've got for this one.


SKETCHBOOK #1, page 2

undated; but also from winterwoods '96. that particular week at camp was a pretty important hub in my lifeline. i was meeting friends for the first time who would later become some of the most influential and integral people in my eventual life, solidifying my relationships with my closest old pals, and at the same time, really starting to define who i wanted to one day be. i probably came home a pretty different person without even knowing it.

the main significance of this particular drawing is the fact that this page is where i first wrote down my friend laura's email address; it was the very beginning of what turned out to be a long, long, long, long conversation.


SKETCHBOOK #1, page 1

undated - probably late December 1996; at Camp Beckwith during Winterwoods

SKETCHBOOK #1, front cover