
SKETCHBOOK #5, page 16

It appears that we've jumped ahead here -- this is from my freshman year at SCAD, soon after arrival. From here on out, the chronology of my sketchbooks is a little all over the place. There's still a general order, but I often worked in two or three around the same time. So some books start well before another's end, and at least one spans several years.

Anyway, I know this is the earliest drawing I have from our dorm room, Oglethorpe House (a former Holiday Inn). I lived with my friend Bradford, and Mickey was just down the hall. So it was nice that we had an already established trio of friends, but we also made a few new friends pretty quickly.

I'm pretty sure this girl, Ashley, was the very first college friend we made. She and Bradford met first, I think on the first day we were all in town. They had an immediate connecion because she was also from Louisiana (I think). She hung out at our dorm room a lot during the first month or two of our freshman year. After a while, she made new friends and we didn't see much of her, and now I'm pretty sure we've all lost contact with her - no idea where she is or what she's doing nowadays. I do remember she had a funny/weird laugh. maybe she's somewhere capitalizing on that...


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