
SKETCHBOOK #5, page 1

Ah, the summer of '98. I worked at Camp Beckwith as a counselor that summer. We were "in cabin" (with campers) most of the summer, meaning you are pretty much working 24 hours a day, but we got (i think) two weeks "out of cabin," too. During those weeks, the 3 or 4 of us who were off slept in the staff cottage, which means we really didn't sleep much. After the campers bunked down, we'd have the run of the camp, along with the work and kitchen crews. It was good times.

This is a drawing I did in one of the staff cottage rooms - #3, the taj mahal. I drew this during a rest period, and I recall that my shorts were still damp from having just gone swimming. Those air conditioner units were powerul, too.


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