
SKETCHBOOK 2, page 2

OK, since I missed posting yesterday due to working a 19 hour day, and the first two for today were the cover and title page, I'm gonna go ahead and put up page 2, the first page of this book with any actual content.

So get ready for some pretty absurd poetry, folks. Just to give you a frame of reference, I was heavy into Beck, Kerouac, and Tom Stoppard at the time. I loved poetry, but I also thought it was mostly way too serious, so a lot of the stuff I was writing here is pure nonsense, with a lot of emphasis on stream-of-consciousness word generation and the basic aesthetic of the sounds of the words. Plus, some of the lines I came up with just made me laugh, and I was enjoying reading them to my friends in a very enthusiastic manner. It was funny.

But, as you'll see as we continue, it wasn't all pure jive. I was, from time to time, making an attempt to express something. Sometimes I struck a balance, other times I was heavy handed on one side or another. But there are a lot of poems in this sketchbook. Maybe almost as many poems as there are drawings. It was definitely my biggest "poetry phase," which eventually transitioned into more of a songwriting phase once I started recording music in college. But that's later. Here we are right at the beginning.


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